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ATAM’s new Book of Regulatory Aids

29 / 06 / 2018

The new Book of Regulatory Aids will be available from 1 July 2018. In this new edition, ATAM reflects the experience of more than 45 years of supporting its beneficiaries and responding most properly to the needs arising from disability or dependency.

For families, facing a situation of disability or dependency is often a significant financial burden. ATAM supports its beneficiaries by responding to the needs arising from disability or dependency, whatever their nature, age, or geographical location, based on the principles of solidarity, equity, and transparency under the criteria set out in the Book of Regulatory Aids.

ATAM has updated the Book of Regulatory Aid, one of the most comprehensive catalogs of financial aid for all situations of disability and dependency. This new edition will come into force on 1 July 2018. The aids granted follow the principles of solidarity, equity, and transparency. They are complementary and subsidiary to the benefits and assistance offered by the different social protection systems.

In this new edition, the benefits are structured according to their nature and characteristics. Each aid specifies the group to which it applies and the conditions and requirements for access.

The aids are grouped in the following chapters: 1) Education 2) Employment 3) Social Inclusion and Environment 4) Promotion of Personal Autonomy: Maintenance in the Family Environment 5) Residential Care 6) Therapeutic Support 7) Support Products 8) Legal Protection 9) Extraordinary Aids. The book includes new concepts of assistance that can be adapted to the emerging needs in our society, such as neuropsychological rehabilitation, cognitive stimulation, as well as treatment for eating disorders and severe addictions, among others.

New developments in the case of home help

The benefits of home help, included in Chapter 4, deserve special mention as a new system for assessing needs has been established to make the assessment criteria as objective as possible. The new proposal is based on the Scale of Assessment of Dependency established in Law 39/2006.

Chapter 4 also includes aid for Respite Care and the Reconciliation of Family and Work Life. This aid, together with one-off support, constitutes a new block known as the “Family Support Service” which is endowed with its entity. In this case, and although the aid is aimed at the beneficiary, family needs concerning disability and dependency are particularly addressed.

This new edition of the Book of Regulatory Aids reflects the experience of more than 45 years of ATAM, a mutual support association committed to offering the most appropriate responses to situations related to disability and dependency.

You can download the new ATAM Book of Regulatory Aids by accessing the private members’ area at The link to the private members’ area can be found at at the top of the header, next to the ATAM logo.

Please, in case of any questions, contact your ATAM family counselor. Meet them by calling the Member Helpline 900 50 26 50.

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