Our clinical psychologist, María Laorden, and the psychiatrist from Equipo Clínico, José Antonio García, participated on 27 January in a new online edition of “El psicólogo responde”. Once again, the professionals from Equipo Clínico returned to talk about Mental Health and how to deal with many of the problems of stress and anxiety at work and in the personal lives of Telefónica employees.
Organized in collaboration with the Occupational Risk Prevention team, our specialists responded live for more than an hour to all the doubts, queries, and debates raised through Telefónica’s Workplace, which each edition brings together more participants in the debate through their questions.
In an intervention in which many doubts raised in the live webinar were answered and which had a record following of more than 2,000 people, both María and José Antonio they stressed the importance of prevention and the need for an accurate and early diagnosis to treat mental pathologies and prevent their deterioration. Maintaining good exercise, nutritional and, above all, social habits, as well as creative activities, were other recommendations repeated during the debate.
As in previous editions, the meeting was very close and aroused plenty of interest and participation. Moderated on this occasion by Olivia García Gómez, from Telefónica’s Joint Occupational Risk Prevention Service, the dialogue between the participants focused on topics such as the management of uncertainty accentuated by COVID, anxiety derived from personal and professional pressure and personal and work-related grief processes.
The accuracy and simplicity of the answers given by our professionals were some of the comments highlighted in the social network. It highlighted the usefulness of these sessions and the importance of the campaigns and care provided by the entire team of medical specialists from our Clinical Team.
You can see HERE all the content of the webinar. If you need more information, write to us at equipoclinico@atam.es or call 91 709 80 91