Members' Area

ATAM held its annual General Meeting last Wednesday, June 26, in the auditorium of Distrito Telefónica, where the results and actions of the last fiscal year were presented, coinciding with the Association’s 50th Anniversary celebration.

Raquel Fernández, president of ATAM, emphasized in her opening speech the importance of ATAM’s work for families facing disability and dependency situations. She expressed her strong belief that ATAM is a crucial entity for the well-being and quality of life of all the families it supports.

Raquel Fernández highlighted how ATAM has understood the importance of transformation, particularly in terms of technology, to bolster the organization’s viability and create a proposal that addresses the challenges people face today: rapid changes in our lifestyle and new ways of living that impact our health.

The General Director of ATAM shared the data regarding the previous fiscal year 2023 and the foundations supporting the 2024 budget. Ignacio Aizpún used his presentation to analyze the key aspects of the connected technological world and the vectors of ATAM’s institutional development project.

The social representation of ATAM also participated in the meeting. Board member Fernando Medrano highlighted the Family Support Service, which helps thousands of families find the solutions they need based on the values of universality, uniqueness, equity, and solidarity that underpin ATAM’s social objectives.

For her part, board member Yolanda Caro emphasized how the new technological stage of humanity brings new worldviews and how this new reality impacts our health. She highlighted that technical progress alters our interpretation of realities such as life, health, disability, and aging. Yolanda Caro also expressed recognition and gratitude for the work carried out by the various units and services of the association.

Starting next April 25th, all ATAM members and their families will be able to participate in the “Brain Health” campaign, aimed at maintaining our brain in the best conditions through recommendations for future healthy brain aging, as well as guidelines to improve resilience.

The campaign focuses on several fundamental pillars, such as healthy eating, regular physical exercise, adequate nighttime rest, and continuous mental stimulation. This campaign seeks to equip individuals of all ages with the knowledge and tools necessary to take care of their brain in the medium to long term.

The campaign will provide information on diets rich in antioxidants and other essential nutrients, the benefits of regular physical activity, guidelines to keep the brain active and stimulated. Various factors that can affect our resilience will also be mentioned.

We invite you to watch our webinar ‘Brain Health’ that took place on Thursday, April 25th at 1:00 PM. The webinar was conducted by Dr. Isabel Bustamante, and we covered the essential aspects of maintaining good brain health.

You can register for the campaign through the form.

Remember that it is never too early or too late to start taking care of our brain health.

Join the fight for vitality and health! Regular physical activity is a powerful tool for preventing and treating serious diseases such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, it helps keep hypertension, overweight, and obesity at bay, while improving your mental health, quality of life, and well-being.

However, the modern world pushes us towards inactivity. Changes in transportation patterns, excessive use of technology, and cultural values are challenging our health. It’s time to change that!

ATAM invites you to join our “Healthy Habits Campaign: Vitality, Physical Exercise, and Health Promotion.” You can watch the webinar that was held on April 23rd at 1:00 PM, where we delved into the multiple benefits that regular physical activity can bring to your life. It’s time to take action and commit to your health.

To sign up for the campaign, you can do so on the form

ATAM Clinical Team Campaign

From ATAM, we understand the importance of supporting our partners during the challenging process of change that involves facing such a significant stage as the end of your work activity. Even when this decision is one’s own, it can generate uncertainty, making us feel lost as we try to reestablish our life plan and our daily activities.

We invite you to attend a WEB Seminar – “ERE: Prepare for the day after.” via Teams, which will be offered by our neuropsychologist from the Clinical Team, María Laorden, on the next April 18th at 13:00.

In this Seminar, the emotional and psychological impact that may arise from this situation will be addressed, and strategies will be provided to adapt in a functional and healthy way to the new situation.

You will be able to access the link to the Webinar and the password in the post that you will find in the news section from the Senior Portal of Telefónica

Together, we can find the path towards a new stage full of opportunities and personal growth.

At the end of the WEB Seminar, you will learn about other ways in which you can receive more support from ATAM.

We look forward to seeing you.

ATAM has been awarded an honourable mention in the 6th edition of the ADiReLab award in recognition of its 50 years of pioneering dedication in supporting thousands of families facing various causes of disability at any stage of their life.

Specifically, the jury’s motivation on the award was “for being pioneers for 50 years in supporting thousands of families facing any cause of disability and at any stage of their life, in what we can consider a unique system of social protection in Labour Relations. Precursors of concepts that are nowadays very topical, always at the forefront of the most innovative approaches and methodologies, promoting the improvement of society through a permanent dynamic of collaboration with different entities in the social sector”.

These accredited awards, granted by the Association of Directors of Labour Relations, seek to distinguish the work of those who work in Labour Relations as agents that favour quality of life at work and business competitiveness.

This award is particularly emotional for the association as it coincides with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation.

Ignacio Aizpún, General Manager of ATAM, and Tatiana Espinosa de los Monteros, Director of Labour Relations and Diversity, From Telefónica collected the award.

The ceremony was held at the Official College of Architects of Madrid] on 1 December. The jury made up of personalities of recognized prestige in the field were among others: María Emilia Casas Bahamonde, President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court and Professor of Labour Law at the Complutense University of Madrid; Manuel Pimentel Siles, Honorary President of ADiReLab; Javier Benavente Barrón, President of Vivofácil; Montserrat Mateos, Editor of Expansión; Antonio de la Fuente, Chief People Officer of GLOBALIA and President of ADiReLab; and Rosa Santos Fernández, Director of the Employment, Diversity and Social Protection Department of CEOE.

On 25th October, the event organized by ATAM took place under the title SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND HUMANISM: Digital Transformation of social organizations.

The event was held at the Ciudad de la Imagen in Pozuelo de Alarcón, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of this social institution linked to Telefónica. Over 600 people attended the event. Among the attendees were numerous presidents, and executives from third social sector organizations, managers from the social and healthcare sector, social agents, technologists, healthcare professionals, and representatives from the most prominent patient organizations.

The conference was opened by Raquel Fernández, Director of People at Telefónica Spain, who highlighted the value of ATAM as Telefónica’s commitment to the most vulnerable for more than five decades.

Ignacio Aizpún, Director General of ATAM, reflected on the changes that have been taking place over the last fifty years because of the introduction of technology into our lives and the impact that the adoption of new lifestyles has on our health, a common thread running through the various speeches at the meeting.

Ricard Solé, an internationally renowned expert in the application of complexity sciences to the understanding of life, gave us a brilliant analysis of the way in which the technology we develop conditions our own reality, presenting the most cutting-edge advances in the field of biology and health sciences, and proposing future solutions to address the challenge of the sustainability of natural ecosystems.

Jim van Os is an acknowledged professor at the University of Utrecht and a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In his speech, he presented a new paradigm of care for the mental health problems faced by today’s society in an environment of life transformed by technology.

Marta Bertolaso, professor of philosophy of science and human development at the University Campus Biomedico in Rome, taught us about the concept of intelligent systems, where true intelligence arises from the combination of the processing power of the machine and its combination with the interaction between humans.

Then, the development teams of the ATAM and ViveLibre clinical and technological innovation projects demonstrated in a truly inspiring way the attributes of a world-first technology that will underpin a new salutogenic paradigm of care for people with disabilities and elderly.

Finally, we attended a colloquium with representatives of patient organizations and scientific societies at European level who gave their views on the role of the application of technology as a vector for the transformation of social organizations.

Pedro Carrascal, Director General of the Platform of Patients’ Organizations, moderated the colloquium. Among the participants in this panel was Jim Crowe, who addressed the opportunity that digital technology represents for people with disabilities and explained the work of the European Association of Service Providers to People with Disabilities (EASPD) to promote innovation in the social sector, emphasizing the need to apply ethical criteria in the application of technology.  The talk also included the intervention of José Augusto García Navarro, president of the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, who stressed the importance of evolving from a model based on the construction of residences to one based on home care. Finally, Nicola Bedlington, special advisor to the European Patients Forum, spoke on the significant work of patient advocacy organizations.

On October 17th, Mayores Telefónica held an Extraordinary General Meeting at its headquarters, during which the Management Council was renewed. Santiago González Carrero was appointed as the President of both the council and the entity.

He will be accompanied in this new phase by:

In the same event, Luis Álvarez Rodríguez was appointed as the Honorary President of the Association in recognition of his long and distinguished career, including twenty years as President and additional years as Secretary-General. His years of dedication were acknowledged with the presentation of a commemorative plaque and a small memento.

In his speech, Santiago González expressed gratitude for the support and trust of the entire organization. He highlighted the new Council’s main objectives, emphasizing the importance of volunteerism as the foundation of Telefónica Senior’s social action, teamwork, and the aim to deepen territorial connections. This includes giving more prominence to Regional and Provincial Coordinators and fostering closer relationships with members in all locations.

He emphasized the unique opportunity next year to celebrate Telefónica’s Centennial, the group’s 30th anniversary, and its involvement in the development of the Reconectados Project recently launched by the Fundación Telefónica. This project aims to mitigate the digital divide among the elderly.

ATAM celebró su Junta General anual el pasado jueves 26 de mayo en el auditorio de Telefónica. Después de tres años con restricciones de asistencia a causa de la COVID-19, la Asociación pudo volver a presentar en la sede de Telefónica los resultados y acciones realizadas durante este último ejercicio, así como su propuesta de valor para el futuro. De este modo, ATAM puso de manifiesto ante los asistentes la importancia que tiene su labor para los asociados de este sistema privado de apoyo para las familias que conviven con situaciones de discapacidad y dependencia.

Así lo destacaron los intervinientes en una Junta General que tuvo una mención especial para las personas con discapacidad que actualmente están sufriendo las consecuencias de la guerra en Ucrania. El reto demográfico, la crisis económica, la transformación digital y su impacto en la sociedad y en la Asociación fueron otros de los temas a los que aludieron los participantes.

La presidenta de ATAM, Raquel Fernández, realizó la apertura de una Junta en la que intervinieron también los consejeros de la Asociación Ángel López de la Fuente y Fernando Medrano. Todos ellos resaltaron cómo el “trabajo extraordinario de las personas de ATAM” contribuye día a día a la mejora de las condiciones de las personas más vulnerables y se anticipa al desarrollo de soluciones que prevenga su institucionalización.

Durante el desarrollo del acto se aludió al valor práctico de las campañas preventivas desarrolladas por el Equipo Clínico, así como a la relevancia de las actuaciones llevadas a cabo por ATAM como uno de los pilares del sistema de protección social de los trabajadores de Telefónica. Durante los últimos ejercicios lo más importante fue el rápido ajuste realizado por la organización para dar respuesta y ofrecer soluciones a sus socios en un tiempo extremadamente complejo. En esta ocasión, la mejora constante de las condiciones de vida de los socios y beneficiarios así como la eficacia de los desarrollos del proyecto de ViveLibre fueron algunos de los asuntos más destacados.

Por su parte, el Director General de ATAM, Ignacio Aizpún, además de compartir las cifras y analizar la evolución del ejercicio 2021, quiso reflexionar sobre el impacto que los avances tecnológicos están teniendo en la sociedad y, especialmente, en el cuidado de la salud y la promoción de la autonomía de las personas más vulnerables.

Aizpún señaló el efecto que tiene para la sociedad la enorme capacidad de computación de datos y procesamiento de la información, la complejidad asociada a la interconexión de todo o el incremento de la virtualización de la vida humana. Todo esto, sumado a los cambios demográficos detectados ya en la Asociación en los últimos 15 años plantea nuevos retos para los que ATAM ya se está preparando.

El acto concluyó con las palabras de la presidenta de ATAM.  Raquel Fernández volvió a mostrar su compromiso con la institución y quiso poner en valor la labor tanto profesional como personal de todos sus trabajadores y su inestimable aporte a los empleados de Telefónica.



Desde el 1 de octubre y hasta final de año, el Equipo Clínico de ATAM pone en marcha una campaña preventiva de valoración de la respuesta cardiorrespiratoria al esfuerzo.

Todos los socios de ATAM así como sus cónyuges y beneficiarios tienen ya la oportunidad de realizar una prueba de esfuerzo con gases en bicicleta (ciclo-ergoespirometría) para conocer cuál es su capacidad física aeróbica, así como su tolerancia al esfuerzo.

Esta campaña completamente gratuita surge del interés por incentivar la actividad física y reducir y prevenir el sedentarismo, evaluando la resistencia aeróbica de forma individualizada.

Nuestro especialista en Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, el doctor César Hernández de la Peña, coordinará esta campaña para todos aquellos que quieran participar y beneficiarse de esta oportunidad de conocer de manera más precisa cuál es su estado de salud cardiorrespiratoria.

Los participantes recibirán un informe personalizado que incluye los resultados de la prueba y una interpretación de estos, así como recomendaciones para mejorar su salud a través de la actividad física.

¡No pierdas la ocasión de comentar cualquier duda con los profesionales del Equipo Clínico y sumarte a esta campaña!

Esperamos tu visita.


Ya puedes reservar directamente tu prueba a través de nuestro formulario.